Which Teeth Should Not Be Extracted

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Gone are the days when toothaches were immediately handled with the help of tongs. Of course, removing a tooth is easier than fighting to keep it, but modern dentistry in most cases tries to avoid tooth extraction. The experts believe that the tooth should be extracted only when all the possible methods of saving the tooth have been exhausted.

When and which teeth cannot be removed?

An experienced dentist is always against tooth extraction and uses all modern treatment methods. In addition to that, there are also cases when the removal of a tooth, even temporarily, is contraindicated.

And so, teeth cannot be removed in the following cases:

  • the tooth is located in the area adjacent to the cancerous tumor;
  • infectious diseases (acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, flu HSV on lips, hepatitis A, etc.);
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • acute myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and other diseases of the cardiovascular system in a state of exacerbation;
  • acute mental disorders (manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia);
  • disorders of the nervous system (meningitis, acute cerebrovascular accident, etc.);
  • blood diseases (leukemia, anemia, blood clotting disorders, etc.);
  • menstrual period, as well as 2-3 days before and after;
  • first and third trimester of pregnancy;
  • some dental problems (stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.).

The listed cases can be an obstacle to tooth extraction, but after passing the acute period and having appropriate preoperative preparation, the dentist will be able to remove the tooth if there is a need for it.

It is worth considering one more case when you should not rush to remove a tooth. Many parents believe children’s milk teeth should be removed rather than treated because they have no roots. In fact, however, baby teeth should not be removed ahead of time, as this can have negative effects on:

  • the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speech formation;
  • the permanent tooth, which is located under the milk tooth.

When is tooth extraction inevitable?

No matter how hard dentists fight to save each tooth, sometimes the best solution is surgical intervention. Tooth extraction is inevitable if:

  • absence of a positive result during conservative treatment;
  • the presence of teeth that can cause neoplasms, cysts or inflammation of trigeminal nerve;
  • misplaced or pathological eruption (e.g., wisdom teeth), or preparation for orthodontic treatment;
  • complications as a result of neglection of chronic periodontitis, paradontosis or parodontids;
  • longitudinal or transverse tooth root fracture;
  • a removable denture will be installed.

To determine the condition of the teeth and the future actions, the dentist examines the oral cavity, evaluates and diagnoses the condition of teeth using X-ray examination. If there is no alternative solution to the problem then the dentist proceeds to tooth extraction.

One of the disadvantages of tooth extraction is that the adjacent teeth begin to gradually shift, forming an even greater distance, creating serious problems with aesthetics, chewing and jaw joints. For this reason, the dentist recommends replacing the removed tooth with an implant or an artificial tooth using a fixed bridge prosthesis.

Dental Care

How to prevent tooth extraction?

Sooner or later, each of us faces an unbearable toothache. Is it possible to maintain the health of gums and teeth? It’s certainly possible, and regular maintenance will help.

To prevent common dental problems, you need to:

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Experts recommend using different toothpastes, such as a whitening toothpaste in the morning and a restoring or healing one before bed.
  2. Clean the gaps between the teeth with a special brush, irrigator or dental floss at least once a day.
  3. Stick to a healthy diet. Reduce the consumption of sweet foods and drinks.
  4. Visit the dentist regularly (at least once every 6 months) to detect and prevent problems early.

Do you want to avoid painful feelings? Build these healthy habits. We wish you good health!


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