Wisdom teeth

When is it too late to remove wisdom teeth?

Typically, wisdom teeth removal ages are 15 to 25 when their roots haven’t fully developed. During this period, these teeth aren’t firmly anchored, making extraction easier. Removing them early leads to a less complicated procedure and a quicker recovery. In essence, getting wisdom teeth removed earlier ensures a more positive outcome and a smoother recovery process.

However, there are cases where dentists might advise against extraction, only for issues to arise years later. If you still have your wisdom teeth and are facing problems, it’s not too late to consider removal.

Wisdom teeth removal recovery

Following wisdom teeth removal, you might experience mild discomfort, slight bleeding, and swelling. Your oral surgeon will provide instructions on how to manage these side effects.

Wisdom teeth recovery extraction can take up to 2 weeks. During this period, you may encounter a swollen mouth and cheeks, which will be more pronounced in the initial days but will gradually improve. Applying a cold cloth to your face gently can help alleviate the swelling.

Wisdom teeth removal side effects

During the procedure, nerves and blood vessels can be affected, leading to bleeding and temporary numbness in the tongue or face. While rare, serious infections may occur. In very rare cases, about 1 out of 100 people may experience permanent issues such as numbness or damage to nearby teeth as a result of the procedure.

wisdom teeth

Things you can’t do after wisdom teeth removal

It’s important to avoid actions that could disrupt the recovery process. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Avoid using straws: It’s crucial not to dislodge the blood clot in the socket, as it could lead to a condition called dry socket. Refrain from rinsing your mouth vigorously, using straws, or consuming carbonated beverages within the first 24 hours.
  • Refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol: Avoid both smoking and alcoholic beverages for at least 48 hours after surgery, preferably for the entire first week.
  • Be gentle with your nose: If you have nasal drainage or stuffiness, avoid blowing your nose for the first 14 days. Instead, gently wipe your nose without blowing forcefully.
  • Avoid hard-to-chew foods: Foods like cereals, nuts, or popcorn can be challenging to eat after an extraction and may harm sensitive tissues. Wait for about a week before reintroducing these foods into your diet.

Do they break your jaw to remove wisdom teeth

To clarify, breaking your jaw is never a necessary step in wisdom teeth removal. However, it’s a potential complication, albeit a rare one. While this occurrence isn’t common, it is possible.

Research indicates that individuals with osteoporosis, especially those taking medications for it, are at a higher risk of bone fractures, including complications during extractions.


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