Get the perfect smile for a lifetime

after 8-20 months
with American bracket-
premium system

The most complex bite pathologies are corrected. Provides fast habituation, comfort and ease of care

Sign up for a free
examination with an orthodontist

after which you will know:

How many months to wear braces to get dream smile

Will you have to remove wisdom teeth or can you keep

And most importantly, get a turnkey treatment cost calculation in 3 options

dramThe cost of an orthodontist consultation — 5000 0 AMD

dramThe cost of an orthodontist consultation — 5000 0 AMD

We use modern bracket systems, which correct malocclusion in adults and children



When the teeth are so close that they crawl on top of each other.

Выпирающий ряд зубов

Protruding row of teeth

When the top or bottom row is pushed too far forward

Глубокий прикус

Deep bite

Leads to malocclusion of the jaw and aesthetic problems, such as a small chin

«Почти прямые зубы»

"Almost Straight Teeth"

When the dentition has a weak defect. Noticeable slight curvature of the teeth.

«Съехавший» ряд зубов

"Moved out" row of teeth

When the dentition does not fit properly with another E3

Отсутствие смыкания

No closure

Discharged teeth or gaps. Three different sizes

Incorrect position of the teeth and jawsleads to the appearance of:

Неправильное положение зубов

and chronic fatigue

Неправильное положение зуб

in the neck and shoulders

and asymmetry
in the body

As a result, a high percentage of failures and relapses in orthodontic treatment, just few people talk about it…


As a result, a high percentage of failures and relapses in orthodontic treatment, just few people talk about it…

We treat patients using proprietary technology and take a comprehensive approach to teeth alignment

причина неправильного прикуса

We identify the cause of the existing malocclusion

положение нижней челюсти

Achieve a comfortable and healthy position of the lower jaw

Выравнивание верхней челюсти

Balance all the bones of the head. Align the position of the upper jaw in the skull and its shape.

Results of braces treatment

лечения брекетами


A 26-year-old patient complained of uneven teeth position and the presence of a milk canine. During the diagnostics, it turned out that the permanent canine was located in the bone of the upper jaw.

лечения брекетами


The treatment was carried out on a metal bracket system. It took 20 months to create the perfect smile.

teeth problem


A 25-year-old patient complained of the incorrect position of one tooth in the lower jaw. During the consultation, a deep overlap of the upper teeth with the lower ones was also revealed.

brace teeth solution


In the course of treatment on a transparent bracket system for 18 months, the position of the teeth and the overlap of the lower teeth with the upper ones were normalized. After removal, a non-removable retainer is fixed and night-wear mouthguards are made

brace-teeth problem-dentistry


A 13-year-old patient complained about the absence of the lower canine. The rudiment of this tooth occupied an incorrect position in the bone, as a result of which it did not cut into the oral cavity.

brace-teeth solution-dentistry


The boy was fitted with metal braces only on the lower dentition. Treatment was completed after 9 months.

Types of braces depending on

and non-ligature braces
are used to treat malocclusion


Standard braces, which use special elastic bands (ligatures), which are replaced by more elastic ones as the bite is corrected.

Disadvantages: More difficult care, elastic bands fall off, tear, an additional visit to the orthodontist is required.

Лигатурные брекеты
Безлигатурные брекеты


Non-ligating (self-ligating) – more modern systems. They use special staples with locks. These clasps provide some movement to the steel wire and adjust its tension as the teeth align.

Leading dentists in Armenia will take care of your smile

Specialists of the Estomed clinic are regularly trained at the largest conferences and from recognized international experts

David Dallakyan
David Dallakyan Dentist – Surgeon Work experience – 5 years
Tereza Ghukasyan
Teresa Ghukasyan Dentist- Orthodontist Experience – 6 years
Ruzvelt Igityan

Roosevelt Igityan
Work experience – 5 years

Vard Changlyan

Varduhi Changlyan
Work experience – 5 years

Vaghinak Amirhanyan

Vaginak Amirkhanyan
Work experience — 7 years

Prices for braces

Metal ligature braces

More affordable. With the help of rubber bands it looks bright and individual.

Average number of corrections – 16

Average treatment time – 20 months

  • The cost of the whole
    treatment course
    500.000 AMD

The cost of the whole treatment course

500.000 AMD

Ligature ceramic braces

More affordable. With the help of rubber bands it looks bright and individual.

Average number of corrections – 16

Average treatment time – 20 months

  • The cost of the whole
    treatment course
    570.000 AMD

The cost of the whole treatment course

570.000 AMD

Self-ligating metal braces

On self-ligating braces, it is easier to monitor oral hygiene, they cause less discomfort when activated.

Average number of corrections – 16

Average treatment time – 20 months

  • The cost of the whole
    treatment course
    600.000 AMD

The cost of the whole treatment course

600.000 AMD

Self-ligating ceramic braces

On self-ligating braces, it is easier to monitor oral hygiene, they cause less discomfort when activated.

Average number of corrections – 16

Average treatment time – 20 months

  • The cost of the whole
    treatment course
    630.000 AMD

The cost of the whole treatment course

630.000 AMD.

Sign up for a free examinationto calculate the cost and create a treatment plan

The doctor will examine. Make a treatment plan and calculate the cost

+374 95 500108

+374 95 500108